39 drexel carbaryl 4l
Labels for DREXEL CARBARYL 4L (19713-49) | US EPA Labels for DREXEL CARBARYL 4L (19713-49) Pre-fix You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF pageto learn more. Provided below is the information for the Product/Registration number selected. Labels Chemical Alt. Brand Name Inactive Alt. Brand Name Transfer History Site Pest Carbaryl 4L Sevin 43.4% Carbaryl 2.5 Gallons - amazon.com Carbaryl 4L is a broad spectrum insecticide for vegetables, cereal grains, forage crops, pasture and grasses, rangeland, fruiting vegetables, leafy vegetables, legume vegetables, non-cropland, cactus, root and tuber crops, fruits and berries, beets, sunflowers, sweet potatoes, tobacco, citrus, olives, pome fruits, stone fruits, tree nut crops ...
Drexel Chemical Company » Damoil™ Damoil™. CLICK HERE TO SEE COMPLETE PRODUCT INFORMATION INCLUDING CROP USAGE, REGISTRATION AND SAFETY DATA. Damoil™ dormant and Summer spray oil acts as a contact insecticide for dormant or foliar sprays. Features and Benefits. Ground and aerial applications. Registered for use in Christmas tree, Citrus, Field, Fruit, Nuts, Ornamental and ...

Drexel carbaryl 4l
US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, DREXEL CARBARYL 4L,10/27/2021 Oct 27, 2021 · not to exceed 2 gallons of Carbaryl 4L per acre (8 pounds active ingredient per acre). Apply dosage to incoming water as empty ponds are filled to 1-foot depth at 2 gallons Carbaryl 4L per 320,000 gallons of pond water (approximately 3 ppm). Pond and levee edges can be sprayed at similar concentrations. RESTRICTIONS CARBARYL 4L INSECTICIDE | Loveland Products Carbaryl 4L is a suspension of a microfine carbaryl insecticide in an aqueous medium. It is dispersible in water and may be applied by ground or air. For agricultural and commercial use only. Labels/SDS Printer-friendly version PDF version Active Ingredients Carbaryl 4L - Agrian CARBARYL 4L Insecticide is a suspension of microfine carbaryl in-secticide in an aqueous medium. It readily disperses in water to form a spray which may be applied by air or ground. PLANT RESPONSE PRECAUTIONS: Application to wet foliage or dur-ing period of high humidity may cause injury to tender foliage.
Drexel carbaryl 4l. Carbaryl 4L - CDMS CARBARYL 4L Insecticide is a suspension of microfine Carbaryl insecticide in an aqueous medium. It readily disperses in water to form a spray which may be applied by air or ground. RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT GROUP 1A INSECTICIDE Carbaryl 4L - Agrian CARBARYL 4L Insecticide is a suspension of microfine carbaryl in-secticide in an aqueous medium. It readily disperses in water to form a spray which may be applied by air or ground. PLANT RESPONSE PRECAUTIONS: Application to wet foliage or dur-ing period of high humidity may cause injury to tender foliage. CARBARYL 4L INSECTICIDE | Loveland Products Carbaryl 4L is a suspension of a microfine carbaryl insecticide in an aqueous medium. It is dispersible in water and may be applied by ground or air. For agricultural and commercial use only. Labels/SDS Printer-friendly version PDF version Active Ingredients US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, DREXEL CARBARYL 4L,10/27/2021 Oct 27, 2021 · not to exceed 2 gallons of Carbaryl 4L per acre (8 pounds active ingredient per acre). Apply dosage to incoming water as empty ponds are filled to 1-foot depth at 2 gallons Carbaryl 4L per 320,000 gallons of pond water (approximately 3 ppm). Pond and levee edges can be sprayed at similar concentrations. RESTRICTIONS
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