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42 authority first herbicide label

AUTHORITY® FIRST DF HERBICIDE | FMC Ag US Authority First DF herbicide exhibits excellent crop tolerance for preplant application up to three days after soybean planting. Labels and SDS 2 (ee) Recommendation Tank Mix Instructions for Use with Sharpen (Various States) Specimen Label SL-4114A 082120 07-07-20 SDS Safety Data Sheet Crops Soybeans Click to open/close AUTHORITY® ASSIST HERBICIDE | FMC Ag US AUTHORITY ® ASSIST HERBICIDE Use Authority ® Assist herbicide as your foundational herbicide to control summer annual weeds like lambsquarters, pigweed, nightshade and kochia, and suppress foxtail, fall panicum, nutsedges and other invasive grasses. Quick Facts Multiple modes of action. Excellent grass control.

Authority® SC - Fill spray tank to 1/3 full and with agitation running, add chemicals to tank in the following order: 1. Site drift retardant. (Must be added first if used) 2. Wettable powders and dispersible granules. 3. Suspension concentrates or flowables (Authority® SC). 4. Continue to fill tank to ½ full. 5. Add emulsifiable concentrates. 6.

Authority first herbicide label

Authority first herbicide label

Authority® First DF Herbicide - Reichman Sales & Service Product Description: Authority First DF Herbicide is for preemergence control of broadleaf. and grass weeds in soybeans only. Disclaimer: Purchaser is responsible to read the Product Label and Use requirements for this product. Reichman Sales & Service assumes no liability for the use or misuse of these products and makes no guarantees other ... PDF Authority First DF 07-23-10 - Agrian Observe an 18 month rotational interval if 6.45 - 8.0 oz. of Authority First DF Herbicide is applied to soils of 1.5% organic matter or less, and pH is above 7. Hybrid Seed Production Corn inbred lines grown for hybrid seed production may be injured the growing season following an application ofAuthority First DF Herbicide. Inbred lines should Authority First DF Herbicide | CommoditAg (20 Lbs) - CommoditAg Online ... Authority First DF Herbicide is for pre-emergence control of broadleaf and grass weeds in soybeans only. The mode of action of Authority First DF Herbicide involves uptakes by weed roots and shoots. Pre-emergence and pre-plant incorporated applications of this herbicide require rainfall or irrigation to activate. Specifications Restricted Use: No

Authority first herbicide label. PDF DuPont Authority - Fluoride Action Network • AUTHORITY® may be applied 30 days Early Preplant for burndown of small emerged weeds. • Always include a spray additive as recommended in the burndown section of this label. • Apply in a minimum of 10 gal water per acre by ground using flat fan nozzles (25-40 psi) or hollow cone nozzles (40-60 psi). See Application Information. PDF Authority 480 Herbicide - Cdms AUTHORITY®480 Herbicide used according to the label directions is known to leach through soil into groundwater particularly in areas where soils are permeable (e.g. sandy soil) and/or the depth to the water table is shallow. DO NOT use on coarse soils classified as sand which have less than 1% organic matter. GROUPS 14 2 HERBICIDE - Amazon Web Services 100.0% *Authority First DF Herbicide contains 0.7 pounds of active ingredient per pound of product (0.62 pounds ai of sulfentrazone and 0.08 pounds of ai of cloransulam- methyl) KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION HOTLINE NUMBER Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison con- trol center or doctor, or going for treatment. AUTHORITY® XL HERBICIDE | FMC Ag US Labels Crops Registered States Product Overview When soybean yields are at stake, trust in the power of Authority XL herbicide. Apply in the spring to control tough weeds like marestail, waterhemp, lambsquarters and ragweed. Extend weed spectrum and burndown when weeds have already emerged by adding to Roundup herbicide or 2,4-D LVE. Labels and SDS

Aquesta 4 F - Atticus LLC Contains sulfentrazone, the active ingredient used in Authority ®, Spartan ® and Zeus ®. Aquesta™ 4 F pre-emergence herbicide with extended residual control suppresses hard-to-manage broadleaf weeds, grassy weeds and sedges before they take hold. The PPO-inhibitor mode of action in Aquesta 4 F sulfentrazone herbicide is highly effective on ... Authority First | B and D Chemical Home / Herbicides / Authority First. Authority First. $9.60/lb FMC grower rebate for 2018. Options: Clear: Quantity. Add to Quote. lb. Comments: SKU: N/A Category: Herbicides. ... Label. Add To Quote Add to Quote; Armezon PRO BASF Ag Products. SDS. Label. Add To Quote Add to Quote; Atrazine 4L PDF Authority Supreme Herbicide - Cdms READ THE LABEL AND ATTACHED BOOKLET BEFORE USING KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN FMC of Canada Limited 6755 Mississauga Road, Suite 204 Mississauga, ON L5N 7Y2 1-833-362-7722 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, CALL 1-800-331-3148 (24 HOURS) 6 NOTICE TO USER This pest control product is to be used only in accordance with the directions on the label. Authority Assist Herbicide (2.5 Gallons) [279-3330] - $859.95 ... Keystone Pest Solutions Authority Assist Herbicide (2.5 Gallons) [279-3330] - Authority Assist Herbicide (2.5 Gallons) Authority Assist Herbicide, with Grass Assist, is a foundation herbicide. It lowers the hammer on glyphosate-tolerant summer weeds like lambsquarters, pigweed, nightshade and kochia, as well as suppresses foxtail, fall panicum, nutsedges and other invasive grasses.

Agricultural Chemical Solutions, Inc. - Pesticide Prices Pesticides Price List (click name for Label) 2 4 D LV4 by NuFarm. $41.35 - $42.70 / gal. Price Details. 2 4 D LV6 by NuFarm. $40.60 - $45 / gal. Price Details. A-Zox 25SC by Sharda. (Generic substitute for Quadris®) PDF Safety Data Sheet - Cdms AuthorityÒ First DF Herbicide SDS # : 6150-A Revision date: 2020-03-04 Version 1.04 Skin Contact Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. Call a poison control center or doctor for further treatment advice. Inhalation Move to fresh air. If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance ... PDF Authority® First DF herbicide - FMC With excellent residual activity, Authority First DF herbicide gives you long-lasting control over the tough broadleaves threatening your soybean yields. When you're making your first herbicide choices of the planting season, choose Authority First DF herbicide. QUICK FACTS: • Labeled for use in all types of soybeans, both traited AUTHORITY® MTZ DF HERBICIDE | FMC Ag US Authority MTZ DF herbicide delivers flexible control of winter annuals and other problem broadleaf weeds. Apply as part of a fall burndown program in soybeans and with the flexibility to plant either corn or soybeans in the spring. Authority MTZ DF herbicide keeps weeds from emerging that rob soybeans of valuable nutrients and moisture.

Authority First DF | FMC Corporation | Agworld DBX | Greenbook View the product label for Authority First DF from FMC Corporation. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more at Agworld DBX, powered by Greenbook ... Herbicide. WSSA mode of action 2 Inhibition of acetolactate synthase ALS (acetohydroxyacid synthse AHAS) Classification. E. Herbicide.

PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, AUTHORITY 4 F HERBICIDE, 06/05/1997 Authority 4 F Herbicide Is a liquId flowable fonnu/ation, to be mixed with watel'" and sprayed for selective preemergence -and preplant incorporated weed control in soybeans. When applied according to the instructions on this label, it will control listed broadleaf weeds, grasses and sedges.

PDF Keep Out of Reach of Children Caution - Cdms Authority First DF Herbicide is for preemergence control of broadleaf and grass weeds in soybeans only. The mode of action of Authority First DF Herbicide involves uptake by weed roots and shoots. Preemergence and preplant incorporated applications of Authority First DF Herbicide require rainfall or irrigation to activate the herbicide.

Label | Valent Fierce® EZ Herbicide - Label | SDS ... Label. Label - Form 2212-C Date 12/13/19. SDS. Fierce EZ Herbicide Msds. Section 24c. Fierce EZ Herbicide Section 24C Applicable States: KY. Fierce EZ Herbicide Section 24C Applicable States: SC. Fierce EZ Herbicide Section 24C Applicable States: TN.

PDF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET - AUTHORITY™ FIRST DF HERBICIDE MSDS Ref. No.: F18-25-7 Date Approved: 11/30/2006 Revision No.: 1 This document has been prepared to meet the requirements of the U.S. OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200; the EC directive, 2001/58/EC and other regulatory requirements. The

PDF Authority XL Herbicide 08-31-15 Comm - Keystone Pest Solutions *AUTHORITY XL contains 0.7 lb active ingredient per pound product (0.62 lb a.i./lb of sulfentrazone and 0.08 lb ai/lb of chlorimuron ethyl) KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION Net Weight: 5 lbs. FIRST AID If Swallowed: Call a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow.

Authority First Herbicide (10 Pounds) [279-3246] - $664.95 : Keystone ... Labeled Crops Reviews Authority First Herbicide (10 Pounds) Authority First Herbicide controls glyphosate-resistant broadleaf weeds and serves as the foundation for both Roundup Ready Soybeans and conventional soybeans. Authority First DF herbicide exhibits excellent crop tolerance for preplant application up to three days after soybean planting.

PDF Code' REACH OF CHILDREN - US EPA This label contains specific use directions for distinct geographical use areas for Authority First. The States are defined wuler USE RATES. This label also contains general use infoT71UIIion which is applicable to all Authority First use geography. . BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY - Authority First rapidly inhibits the growth of susceptible weeds.

Authority® 480 herbicide / West | FMC Ag CA Labels Crops Registered Provinces Product Specifications Product Overview Authority 480 herbicide is a powerful, flexible pre-emergent Group 14 herbicide that provides extended activity on challenging weeds like kochia, redroot pigweed, lamb's-quarters, wild buckwheat and cleavers. Authority 480 herbicide can be tank-mixed with glyphosate.

Aquesta FR - Atticus LLC Aquesta™ FR herbicide contains sulfentrazone and cloransulam-methyl, the active ingredients used in Authority® First DF and Sonic®. Infiltrate the roots and shoots in weeds that will rob you of the yield you work hard to achieve. ... 2020 Atticus. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Not all products are registered for use ...

AUTHORITY® SUPREME HERBICIDE | FMC Ag US Authority ® Supreme herbicide from FMC combines two modes of action in an exclusive liquid premixed to control the toughest resistant weeds in soybeans, sunflowers and dry peas. The combination of a best-in-class PPO herbicide with the market's newest Class 15 molecule provides growers with a long-lasting residual and supreme weed control.

Authority First DF Herbicide | CommoditAg (20 Lbs) - CommoditAg Online ... Authority First DF Herbicide is for pre-emergence control of broadleaf and grass weeds in soybeans only. The mode of action of Authority First DF Herbicide involves uptakes by weed roots and shoots. Pre-emergence and pre-plant incorporated applications of this herbicide require rainfall or irrigation to activate. Specifications Restricted Use: No

PDF Authority First DF 07-23-10 - Agrian Observe an 18 month rotational interval if 6.45 - 8.0 oz. of Authority First DF Herbicide is applied to soils of 1.5% organic matter or less, and pH is above 7. Hybrid Seed Production Corn inbred lines grown for hybrid seed production may be injured the growing season following an application ofAuthority First DF Herbicide. Inbred lines should

Authority® First DF Herbicide - Reichman Sales & Service Product Description: Authority First DF Herbicide is for preemergence control of broadleaf. and grass weeds in soybeans only. Disclaimer: Purchaser is responsible to read the Product Label and Use requirements for this product. Reichman Sales & Service assumes no liability for the use or misuse of these products and makes no guarantees other ...


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